Patient Notes

Patient Notes will keep a history of when the Patient was created, when Patient information was edited and who edited the information.

If user logins are activated, notes created by one user cannot be deleted or edited by another user.

Tracking notes automatically entered by the system cannot be deleted or edited.

To expand notes, click on expansion arrow in the upper right corner.

Note Editor

Notes can be shown in a pop-up window by right clicking in the note and selecting ‘Show in Pop-up.’  This will place the note into a large editing window allowing you more room for editing.  You can also print the individual note by clicking the ‘Print’ button.

Highlighting Notes

Right click a note, select Highlight, then a color to highlight a patient note.

Notes in Premier

Patient Notes

    Can be entered on patient record

    Can be expanded by clicking on up arrow

    Only User Notes can be deleted, Tracking Notes cannot be deleted

    Note Templates may be used to enter new notes (click in Note field, then right click)

    Patient Notes can be highlighted in different colors (right click to see options)

    Report Available: Patient Notes


Reminder Notes

    Available in both Billing and Scheduling

    Can create pop-up reminders when using Scheduling for New Appt, Attended, Not-Attended

    Can be entered only through the patient record (Billing or Scheduling)

    Can be viewed at the bottom of the Quick Access Details tab, in the Patient Quick Access tab (via     Column chooser if needed), and in the Find Patient grid (via Column Chooser if needed)

    Note Templates can be used

    Has <insert date and time> functionality


Claim Notes

    Can be entered at the claim:  Find Claim Grid, Find Service Grid, Find Adjustment, Find Claim Note

Note is entered by right clicking on selected rows

    Only claim notes have their own separate Find grid (Find Claim Note)

    Only claim notes have their own Report with criteria option (Claim Notes Report)

    Can be seen on lower half of claim (can be controlled by Show or Hide Note button)

    Only user notes can be deleted.  System tracking notes cannot be deleted.

Can be deleted only by clicking on the small 'x' to the left of the claim note

    Note Templates can be used to enter new claim note

    Claim Notes can be highlighted in different colors (right click to see options)

    Report Available: Claim Notes


Payment Notes

    Can be entered in New Payment pop-up, Appointment pop-up, Payment Entry

    Can be seen in Find Payment and Find Disbursement grids and the Payment List Report

    Can be seen in the Undisbursed window on the Payment Entry screen

    Can be deleted by modifying the existing payment, or by deleting the entire payment


Disbursement Notes

    Can be entered in Payment Entry (Show Notes must be checked on Payment Entry screen, payment needs to be associated with it, and that payment must be disbursed)

    Can also be entered/modified in Payment Modification

    Can be seen in the Find Service grid (Note) and/or by expanding a service line at the claim level

    Can be deleted only on Payment Modification

    A payment must be disbursed for note to be captured, can't be a zero dollar adjustment

    Payment notes “upsized” from EZClaim Advanced will display as Disbursement Notes in Premier


Adjustment Notes

    Used infrequently – for example, to enter a note on a “nonstandard” adjustment

    Can be entered at the claim level by double clicking in the Adjs cell (date is required)

    Enter Payment (Show Notes option must be checked)

    Can be seen when service line is expanded, in Find Adjustment grid, and Adjustment Report

    Can be deleted or edited by opening the adjustment up

To delete - click the small 'x' on left side of adjustment line

To edit – position cursor in cell that needs to be edited


Billing Note (Scheduler)

    Option to 'Prompt users for a billing note when marking appointments with a billable status' is available in Setup

    Can be seen on the Import Appointments tab in the Billing Note field

    When the claim with Billing Note is imported, the billing note becomes a Claim Note


Appointment Note (Scheduler)

    Accessible by opening an appointment (seen as Note)

    Can be seen on lower portion of APPT tab, when appointment is open, or when viewing List View

    ‘Insert Date and Time’ and’ Note Template’ are available for use