Widget Descriptions

Claims Over 120 Days

Lists claims that have a balance and are over 120 days old based on the Original Bill Date.  A maximum of 50 claims will be listed.

Claims Over 90 Days

Lists claims that have a balance and are over 90 days old based on the Original Bill Date.  A maximum of 50 claims will be listed.

Claims with a Credit Balance

Lists claims that have a credit balance.  A maximum of 50 claims will be listed.

Payments with Balance Remaining

Lists payments that have not been fully disbursed.  For example, if you entered a $100 payment but only applied $90 to claims, the payment would be on this list.  It’s used as a reminder to go back and finish disbursing a payment.  A maximum of 50 payments will be listed.

Undisbursed Payments

Lists payments that have no disbursements.  This list will typically contain payments imported from other systems or payments that were entered in the scheduler.  It’s used as a reminder for payments that need to be applied to claims.  A maximum of 50 payments will be listed.


More widgets are available, and users are encouraged to create their own to meet their office needs.  Email support@ezclaim.com for more information.