
Initial Claim Status – When creating new claims, this status will be used.

Initial Place of Service – When adding new service lines, this place of service will be used.

Initial ICD Indicator – When creating new claims, the indicator value will be set accordingly.  9 = ICD-9 and 0 = ICD-10

Automatic Lock Claims After Print or Export – If checked, the program will check the ‘Locked’ check box on the claim which prevents changes to the claim.  See Locked (Claim) for more information.

Check for duplicate service lines – If checked, the program will check for duplicate service lines on the patient claims.  The fields compared are service date, procedure code, product code, modifiers, and diagnosis pointer.

Validate ICD Logic when saving a claim – If checked, the program will check that the claim follows the following ICD rules:

      You cannot combine DOS before and after Oct 1st, 2015

      ICD Indicator is a required field

      If any DOS is before 10/1/15, the indicator cannot be 0

      If any DOS is on or after Oct 1, 2015, the indicator cannot be 9

      If indicator is 0 then all diagnosis should start with a letter

      If indicator is 9 then all diagnosis should start with a number except for E or V