TriZetto Electronic Statements

When using the TriZetto Electronic Statement service, there is very little difference in the statement process.  Be sure to set the Statement Format to ‘TriZetto’.


The Add-On MUST be configured before sending statements to TriZetto.

See Electronic Statements by TriZetto.

If you have not set up the Add-On, you will receive the following message when trying to send statements:

Sending a Statement Batch

1.   Click the ‘Patient Statements’ button on the home screen.

2.   Set the ‘Statement Format’ to ‘TriZetto’.

3.   Click the ‘Check All’ button or check individual patients for which statements should be generated.

4.   Click the ‘Send’ button.

5.   You will receive a confirmation that the file was uploaded successfully.

Electronic Statements by TriZetto

As an alternative to printing statements, upload statements from EZClaim and let TriZetto send them to your customers. 

Activation Code: Code provided by EZClaim

Username: TriZetto statement username. This is the same username used when logging into the TriZetto web portal.

Password:  TriZetto statement password. This is the same password used with your Secure FTP account.

Statement Color: Select the statement color.  Contact TriZetto for information on statement options.

Cards Accepted: Select the credit cards accepted.  Contact TriZetto for information on statement options.