
YouTube video: Statement Options

Click on the Patient Statements ‘Options’ button to use the options screen for configuring statement information.  The following screen shot shows the initial values for new companies.

    Return Address – The address shown in the top left of the statement for windowed envelopes.

    Use Patient’s Billing Provider’s Address Instead – Checking this option disables the Return Address fields and causes the statements to use the address of the Billing Provider found on the Patient’s record.  Warning: If a billing provider is not selected on the patient record, the return address will be blank.

    Use a ‘Pay to Address’ different than the ‘Return Address’ - Click checkbox to use this feature.

    Hide Diagnostic Codes – Check this box to hide the Diagnostic Code information from the statement.

    Hide Procedure Codes – Check this box to hide the Procedure Code information from the statement.

    Hide Aging Section – Check this box to hide the Aging amounts at the bottom of the statement.

    Include Insurance Balances in Aging – Check this box to show the insurance amounts in the aging sections.

    Show Payment Reason Descriptions - If a Payment Reason Code was entered during payment entry, the description will print on statement.  Payment reason codes can only be entered during manual payment entry.  Typically, they are used to record the type of patient payment, 1 (deductible), 2 (co-ins), or 3 (co-pay).  See Payments Entry Options for more information.

    Include $0 Balance Service Lines - Service lines with a $0 balance will show on statement.  Use this option to show service lines that have been fully paid.

    Include $0 Patient Balance Service Lines - Service lines with a $0 patient balance will show on statement. Use this option to show service lines that are the responsibility of insurance (not the patient).

    Days of History – Determines how many days of history will be shown on the statement.  The time frame is calculated from the most recent date of service.  For example, if you are printing statements in March 31st showing 30 days of history and the most recent date of service is January 31st, then the statement will show services from January 1st to 31st (Not March 1st to 31st).  All other balances (if any) will be shown on a ‘Previous Balance’ line at the top of the report.

    Show Last Payment Information – Statement will include a line describing the last payment received and the date range of services.

    Show Tracking Adjustments with the following Reason Codes – Use this option to show descriptions of tracking adjustments.  This is useful when trying to explain why the patient has a balance.  Common selections in this option are reason code 1 (deductible) and 3 (co-pay).

Tracking Adjustments

Tracking adjustments are a great way to show messages to customers about the bill (See Tracking Adjustments for more information on manually entering Tracking Adjustments).  Once the option is turned on and configured (see above), the program will show the reason code description on the statement.  If the description needs to be changed, edit the description in the Code Library.


The program uses different addresses depending on what is available

Return Address (top left):

1.   Statement Options – Return Address

2.   Company Description (standard statement only)

Mailing Address (left side of statement): The program does not use the insured info since it may not be filled in on the patient Information screen:

1.   Statement Address from ‘Patient Information’ screen.

2.   Patient Name and Address

Pay to Address: Only available on Nelco and BillFlash formats, shown on the right-side address for return envelopes.

1.   Statement Options – Pay to Address

2.   Statement Options – Return Address


Insurance and Patient Balances

The program takes into account the Charges, Payments, Responsible parties, and Patient Amount Due values to calculate the balances.  Here are the formulas used:

Line item Responsible Party not set to ‘Patient’

Insurance Balance = Charges

minus Insurance Payments

minus Adjustments

minus Patient Amount Due (or Patient Payments if amount due is $0)


Patient Balance = Patient Amount Due – Patient Payments (or $0 if Patient Amount Due is $0)

Line item Responsible Party is set to ‘Patient’

Insurance Balance = 0

Patient Balance = Line Item Balance


Responsible Party


Patient Payments

Insurance Payments


Patient Amount Due (Optional)

Patient Balance

Insurance Balance































