
Adjustments may be entered in multiple locations:

    During Auto-Posting

    During manual payment entry

    Directly on the claim screen


For posting adjustments during the auto-posting process, see 835 Adjustments Grid

Payment Entry

When entering a payment using the Payment Entry screen, you can use the available Adjustment columns.  See Payments.

If needed, use the adjustment options on the right to add additional Adjustments and/or the Reason Code column.  You may also add a Remark Code column.


Claim Entry

If you need to enter an adjustment directly to a service line, you may do so using the Adjustments window.

1.   Open the claim.

2.   Double click the Adjustment cell on the service line.

3.   Enter the adjustment(s) as needed. (Hint) Press ‘T’ on the keyboard for today’s date, press ‘B’ on the keyboard to enter the service line balance.  Useful if you are writing off the balance.

4.   Click OK when finished.