After installing EZClaim Appointment Scheduler, go
to Tools > Program Setup or click on the icon to open the ‘Program Setup’ dialog
box. Program Setup includes the following tabs.
• General Tab – Company information and general options
• Resources Tab – Doctors, rooms, and/or equipment that can be scheduled
• Backgrounds and Borders Tab – Appointment colors
• Statuses – Assigning attendance status such as ‘Confirmed’, ‘Attended’, Cancelled’.
• Templates Tab – Used to quickly setup different types of Appointments
• Profiles Tab – Stores program settings such as screen color, resource, and calendar views.
• Custom Data – Customize Appointment and Patient Data fields.
• Resource Attributes – Set attributes such as ‘Language’, ‘Gender’, ‘Credentials’.
General Tab
Enter the Company or Individual name and contact information under the ‘General’ tab. This information will be used in tasks such as printing reports. Follow the steps below.
Enter the following optional information. This text will be printed in the upper right corner of your default reports.
• Company or Individual Name
• Address
• Phone Number
• Fax
o Automatically check for program updates.
o Require a patient… if you want every appointment to have a patient associated with the appointment.
o Prompt users for a billing note when marking appointments with a billable status.
o When creating a new appointment, check whether the patient already has an appointment at that time.
o Automatically open appointments created by dragging over the patient icon.
o When using ‘INSERT DATE AND TIME’ button, inserts the date and time at the bottom (instead of the top).
Click on the ‘Save’ button to save the changes. Note: The ‘Save’ button turns red if information has changed on the form and needs to be saved.
This area requires ADMIN permissions. Use it to set additional settings that are common to both the scheduling and billing systems.